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♥cherryblossom Paul the octopus

Ominous for the octopus: Paul the psychic octopus has predicted Spain will beat Germany but its days may be numbered as angered Argentinan fans have threatened to cook it in a paella. Photo: AFP

Paul has predicted all of Germany's World Cup results correctly so far, including wins against England and Argentina. Paul even said that Serbia would beat Germany 1-0 in the group stage.

However, there is still a glimmer of hope for Germany. In all his years of making predictions, the only one Paul has ever got wrong was the
Spain v Germany final at Euro 2008.
The octopus opted for Germany but Spain were the victors, winning 1-0.

German fans are now hoping the opposite will happen and by picking Spain to win it will actually be Germany who come out on top. Such is the popularity that surrounds the octopus the German news channel n-tv actually broadcasted its Germany-Spain prediction live, even having two reporters commentating on it.

The handlers of the psychic octopus at Aquarium Sea Life in Oberhausen encourage Paul to make the predictions by putting mussels into two glass cubes, with each cube having one of the nation's flags on the front. The mussel Paul chooses first is taken to be its prediction.
Paul initially went to the Spain-marked container before moving around the tank and then hovered over the German box. But he eventually opted for the European champions.

Paul has become world reknowned, but this good humoured, quirky phenomenon has not been well recieved by everybody.

Following the quarter-final prediction where Paul correctly guessed Argentina would lose to Germany the Argentineans threatened to kill the octopus and put it in a paella. The newspaper El Dia gave this recipe for anyone daring to capture Paul: "All you need is four normal potatoes, olive oil for taste and a little pepper." Argentinan chef Nicolas Bedorrou has suggested on Facebook a far more simplistic and brutal way to cook the octopus.
"We will chase him and put him on some paper. We will then beat him (but correctly!) in order to keep the meat tender and then put it in boiling water."

Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.
5:51 AM
0 commented

SHE plans to say buahabuay to blogger :)
till then, will update you (blog) when i feel bored or came our with something special :)
buay computer too =)

Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.
4:24 AM
0 commented

football fever :) FIFA

whuoa, time flies :( holiday is going to end in four more days. No holiday for me :) I still spend at least 5 of 10 days in school. By the way, it's fun ;)

You can definately see or listen the word "FIFA" any where, on tv, newspapers, radio, streets, and even shopping malls. As this is a big event that only held every 4 years, it really get all football fans attention. 4 groups with each group including 4 teams play the game for about 2 months. In this coming two months, 24 hour fast food restorants such as mcdonald and road side mamak stalls will be a good choice for people who love football but have no ASTRO channel at home. Well, it is good idea to spend time together with friends watching football together while having a drink or snaks. Besides speding time together, we actually have fun together no matter which team we support.

For those that are not interested in football, specially female, it is good to spend some time to watch a game although you are not interested with it. Football is now a "hot" topic and we should know something about the game, anyway, it is 4 years once :)

I believe that most of us support different teams that we think is the best, try to enjoy every game that every football team members play. Most of all, they are playing for the game and us :)

Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.
5:26 AM
0 commented

Phew, after few months of hectic lifestyle, finally get a chance to take a break :)

Exam is over, forget about it:( This should be the first time for me to be regret never study earlier. Well, its over, so lets just forget about it :) Blogging seems to be once 3 months?! aha, well, nothing to really crap about, so i rather watch some intersting cartons online :) haha!

2nd semester holiday is still busy for me and my few other friends, we have stuff to rush at school :O yeap, R-U-S-H. since teachers day will be on the first friday after school reopen, we gotta finish tones of wrapping :), well, we enjoy it XD.

Sorry to say, but i guess this year's ace enterprice will be kindda dead. well, i have facts to talk about it, not activite members is the bigest problem we have currently, running out of idea is another reason and lastly, say thankyou to our ass. md. i wil jst end this topic since there is no point for me to complain here.

to my friends who are going for holiday in other countries or states, shinwey, yenhuei, jia ying and eeshuen :) have fun. but dont eat eat eat until you add your weight =D, and to sarah and c.shyong, enjoy your camp :)

will be spending some time with won tin this holiday :) can't wait =)

Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.
9:26 PM
0 commented


Most of us realised that global warming is getting more and more serious than we though. Since the concept of 3R is taught to society for nearly 5 year, we still not see any changes among society.

As we know, the 3R actually stands for reuse, reduce and recycle. However, how many of us have actually practice this concept? Being a part of society, most of them think that it is enough since part of them do practice such concept. They should never have such way of thinking because it is everyone responsibility to keep this environment clean.

To start practicing 3R in our daily life, we can actually bring our own paper bag when we shop for groceries. Before we throw anything, we should also consider those that can be reuse for other purposes such as empty jam jar or even papers. Separate rubbish into 3 main groups which are bottles, papers and tin. This makes others easier to recycle those that are still useful.

It worths a million to spend part of your time to contribute or do something good for the earth. Remember, it is never too late :)


Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.
10:47 PM
0 commented

will start for some serious blogging :)

aim: to improve my "Man-gish" to proper ENGLISH.

since i get such marks for my english paper, i have to work harder on it now :)

School is as usual, but most of us are busier than when we were in form 3. Most marchers have to stay at school for practise, others? we have endless meeting :) Photo session will be held tomorrow. Currently busy thinking ideas for several projects of monitorial board and young enterprise :)
to be continue :)


Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.
6:09 AM
0 commented

sorry sorry sorry for such late birthday shout out =P


happy -syok- 16th birthday XD


Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.
12:23 AM
0 commented

♥ Me ;

    Catholic High

♥ Quotes ;

Love life, appreciate everything in life.
    hiperactive, classic musics and arts

♥ Shout it LOUD

♥ Take A Look At The Past<3